Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Quiet on the Dirt Road

We had a beautiful day today. Temperature was in the 50's, sun was shining, no wind to speak of -- a great day to take William the dog for a walk along Between the Lakes Road (the dirt road of this blog title).

We walked from our patch of lakefront along the road to the bridge that separates the two Twin Lakes -- about a mile, I guess. Walking there, we saw no humans whatsoever. No cars, no one working around houses, nobody biking or walking.

We turned around at the bridge and walked back. About half way, we spotted a man jogging in the other direction. William, who is fond of people as well as dogs, stood on his hinder legs as the man approached, said hello, and jogged on. Then William returned to his role of walk companion, followed by a nice long wade in the lake -- the ice is nearly out now.

The remarkable thing was the absence of other people. In a normal year we would have seen construction workers involved in building or renovating along the lake or on one of the roads leading off it. Probably, on a nice day like today, there would have been a few people out just driving around, and, since the road is also a designated hiking trail in our township, probably a few hikers as well. But just the one jogger ... it seemed strange, at least until I contemplated the economic scene.

Even up a dirt road, people are pulling in their horns. The only construction project I'm aware of on our road is our own, wherein we plan to construct a foundation under an end of the house that lacks one. Even the choice of project is indicative of something -- it's not a new coat of paint, or a gazebo, or a deck -- nothing decorative or frivolous or even fun. It's something utterly utilitarian -- a foundation. It holds the house up. It keep the house warmer.

Yet it is also fundamental to future improvements of that end of the structure.

Let's hope there's a metaphor there!