Friday, July 01, 2011

Back in the saddle again....

Well, after leaving this blog alone for a year or so, having decided to heed some pundit or other who had proclaimed that blogging was dead since any fool could plainly see that it had been replaced by some other web 2.0 technology, I'm back.

A brief status report:
--the cellphone reception is still nonexistent here (I think I groused about that back in 2006)
--Citibank does not seem to have gotten its act together yet (but at least it's mostly staying out of the headlines now, which makes me feel better)
--Our military alarums and excursions continue; they ebb and flow and if President Eisenhower is not spinning in his grave, it may be because the bearings he was spinning on are worn out. It's unnecessary to say that the man was 100% right about the military/industrial complex. There's no military draft, of course, so nobody cares from that perspective.
--Between the Lakes Group continues to re-publish (e-publish) history. We've expanded from just CD-ROMs as the publication vehicle to include downloads. That's the commercial message, and of course it would be great if you would take a look at our website and maybe buy something.

Anyway, Up a Dirt Road is back. Hopefully we'll be better at avoiding distraction this time. Talk with you soon!